Home And Away Theme Song Home And Away lyrics

I have 3 grown children and every time I watch this video I cry. So beautiful..The actors are so sincere and believable. The Mom looking at pictures of her son and her son arriving home...love love this video. Could watch it all day. Thank you all of you, God Bless you all. I simply love this song and commercial.

Does anyone else think the young man in this ad and the girls are real siblings. They have similar features and the same smile.. I'm not sure about the "mother", but it certainly is a wonderful ad deserving of rewards.

official video

When he returned, I felt like the happiest person in the World. I agree with the other lady. The guy in this commercial is so good looking and I would like to know who he is. I became a "Dad" to my physician because her dad lives 8000 miles away.

I stop and watch every time I see them. They make me want to pass on good deeds . I wish the world could pass on all those feelings the world would be a great place to live in . If color, religion , background didn't matter what a great place this would be . I really love this song and the message it sends. All of these spots bring a tear to my eye, wishing the world would take the time to love each other.

Home And Away Theme Song

The mothers eyes are so beautiful and her expression is wonderful when she sees her son. You can see his happiness at being home .The song is perfect for the video. Please keep this on air. This beautiful song blended with this young man’s facial expressions throughout the video are so poignant.

home and away ad song 2020

I can certainly say, it is an attention getter. I absolutely love this commercial!! I rewind and watch it again every time I see it!

The Music Network

I do not know what it is but every time I hear the beginning of this ad, it stops me in my tracks. Now I know who sings the song but I am sure the ad will still stop me in my travels. I get so emotional when I watch this commercial.

home and away ad song 2020

My mother passed away almost 2 years ago. The mother's eye movement and facial expressions make this so touching. I really love the 'Believe' video. I can't understand most of the words, but the energy and the message really resonates for me. Love this commercial, the actor who play the son is outstanding, stop and watch it when ever it comes on.

Write about your feelings and thoughts about Home And Away

I support all young people. He tried his best and he was great. This commercial and sing touch my heart every single time thinking of my son.. Now it's a different time, era and most of my family has passed away and for the ones that are still alive we all dont get along anymore. It shows how much love a son has for his mother and he can still have her dreams come true with him coming back home after so many years.

home and away ad song 2020

The love of family and seeing the joy in the mothers eyes. Reminds me of the love we have in our family. Love is Love, nothing better.

Put to "Home" ...it's perfect. I love this song..Reminds me of me and my grandson, Lyric Ester. If only everyone were able to find "home". Home is most definitely where our hearts, souls, and minds find love and acceptance. What an awesome concept!

If this commercial doesn’t make you feel good, nothing will. It’s Absolutely Beautiful. This one left a lump in my throat.

It reminds me of my children and how much I miss them. If you listen to the words you will see why I love this. Add links, pictures and videos to make your explanation more appealing. Provide quotes to support the facts you mention.


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